Sunday, December 07, 2008

Love Lockdown by Kanye West

Once upon a time...
God was watching over his people...

His people, too savage to hear or feel Him, ignored Him instead, this made God sad...

Instead, they made up stories about other gods, lesser gods, and gods that never existed - this made God's people the same...

They made music and art and songs that celebrated their sameness, a drum beat always being played to remind the people to believe in their stories...

One day, a man named Lion Head, heard God speak to him. Lion Head tried to tell his family and friends what he heard but this made him different and his friends and family turned on him...

The drum always beating in the background...
But Lion Head knew how important it was for his friends and family to know the truth, that they're stories were only stories and that God was sad. "Go away!" they screamed but Lion Head would not...The things Lion Head would say, made the people angry, so they decided to make Lion Head go away forever, but Lion Head was fast and could run away...

Especially when the people used their hunting tools on him and not the animals that fed them...

God could only watch, the choices made by all his people, were their's and their's alone to make...

Besides, God had other worries, darker worries...

Because never far from God, were the priestesses, the temptresses that guarded the stories, and spoke them louder, to block out God's humble voice...

For the priestesses were crafty, they only used the most beautiful and enchanting in their innermost circles, to entice the masses, to lock them in...

Even Lion Head and his followers had to stop and watch, even they could forgot the real God and fall in love with the stories again...

The priestesses were really pretty after all...

So pretty in fact, that no one noticed a space ship, flying off into the sky...

But the drums were nice to listen to...

And the dancing looked fun...

So much fun in fact, after awhile, the disciples of Lion Head forgot about him and could only hear the drums and see the dancing, so they began to dance...

With everyone jumping and dancing, God was pushed into a corner and guarded, for his own safety of course...

And because God wasn't heard from, everyone was the same again...

Even Lion Head...
Couldn't resist the dancing, the drumming or the priestesses...

Just then, the aliens on the ship, or the "other gods" as they were known by the people, decided to see what all the commotion was about; it was too much for Lion Head, and soon he was dancing the dance of the lesser gods too...

The lesser gods enticed the people with the dance they showed their ancestors long ago...

The dance, the drums, and the other gods too powerful to stop, leaves God tired and leads us right back to where he was in the beginning, once upon a time...

Hope you enjoyed the story, watch it here:

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